Friday, April 20, 2012 Saki Yamaguchi

Friday, April 20, 2012

Saki Yamaguchi

Just a beautiful woman more attractive than you, does not mean that there are not attracted to her. Here are some guidelines to get the look you can see, and are then attracted to her. Do you have confidence in themselves. If you are nervous and aware, and you ignore a beautiful woman. If you are confident and calm, and he looks at you. To relax and not a serious interaction. Do not choose them at the first meeting. Buy drinks, flowers, chocolates and show that you might have for us. Look good and impressed by the women, all the time, so do you still need to be transmitted, that you are not impressed or intimidated by appearances. Force to do good works for you in advance. As small as if to hold him your drink, or keep your place. Gradually, too, to be the greatest of good deeds, and when they meet them, then you can do favors for him as a gift.
The comedy is always interesting, with laughter. Have you ever heard jokes from comedians who work with?
So this joke is funny.
Remember, no matter how beautiful it can often be attracted to you until you safe, fun, and not be intimidated by him.
There comes a point where a little bit "to grow each and get a point in your life that you decide that you're calm. This has hit us at times like a ton of bricks and we are not prepared for this revelation because we want to work can be time correlated. In order to win more than one wife is very difficult. to win a girl, it is clear that the league and the work itself is in the hands of others. What happens is that They are from all the other players? The chances are good that if the league, and there are many others who try to seduce him as well. Thus, as you can be sure that you win more than one and make sure that this extraordinary woman belongs only to you.
A. Show them that you're fast. It does not hurt that you are not worthy, but just the opposite. You might at first to get out of your league, you must show them that you are entitled to time and attention. This is often the best performance to be yourself and show them why you are the right person for the fall.
Two. Show how you treat them well, because she was pulling away. Although it does not want to give every woman to hold a certain degree. If you think not so, then you do not know women. Show how you treat them well, and that will go far. If you believe that you care, this is a sure way to win from the start.
Three. Not affected by a lack of confidence. Many men also see this woman beside them, and I thought that it was not good enough for him. Let this not happen, because they were prompted to shut down immediately! Jump Street shows you how to appreciate them, but be safe and comfortable in her own skin.
4th Do not look how big they are, and just discovered that I was happy. If you continue to look to him or tell him how great you think, and finally came and wrong. Your attention is the extent to which the praise of the natural and simple and sincere here and there. These are much better than saying how great every two seconds. This also applies to trust and confidence, which is an important quality.
Five. Without doubt he is white, you're a real fighter. Of course, as big, but so do you! If you think you are fishing for, and this not only reinforced his decision to stay with you, but also the degree of trust shown in them. This victory at any time!
6th Just be yourself and show impressive skills and qualities that you have. If you are fun, and find that sense of humor. If you think, and found that you can think in any way. It can be either the skills or attributes you need to do to have become a catalyst in the end what makes her head after falling for you. So make it shine!
7th Show them how beautiful life can really. After a few seconds, a woman who wants to introduce with this man. They create scenarios in my head long before you show it to them how much you can really. Keep new and exciting relationship, and make sure that does not exist, and you can see in the future. You can bet to win quickly with this mentality.
Saki Yamaguchi Cute
Saki Yamaguchi Girl
Saki Yamaguchi Japan
Saki Yamaguchi Japan Girl Picture
Saki Yamaguchi Japanese Cute
Saki Yamaguchi Top Cute Girl
Saki Yamaguchi Top Girl

Harajuku girls I am yo biggest fan

Let's talk about one of the things I love most about Japan. Cosplay!
I've tried my hand at cosplay many years ago but anything I attempted just ended up an embarrassing mess on me. So it really impresses me when I see people doing the character they're cosplaying justice. With cosplay's growing popularity it now seems really easy to find resources and people to help you with costumes. Online and real stores now exist for all your cosplaying needs so it's easier than ever to become your favourite character. Although i think cosplaying is alot more then just putting on a wig and a store bought costume and the people who manage to pull all those extra things together are a real inspiration to me. I get so excited to see someone looking exactly how I would imagine the character to look in real life and I become a total fangirl all over again.

I went to a cosplay event in the oldest theme park in Tokyo, in Asakusa. A pretty odd setting for a cosplay event but when I got there I realised it was pretty appropriate as there where alot of interesting places for everyone to have photos taken with various types of shrubbery!
As this was a cosplay event some of the cosplayers seemed a little too Pro and it seemed like they didn't want their photos taken by non-pro photographer white-assed-white-girl, which seemed a bit silly to me but most of the crowed were very friendly and put up with my bad Japanese when trying to compliment them on their effort.
                       There where alot more but these are my favourite and were the nicest people.

The next event was Tokyo Game Show. Although I saw alot of cosplays I couldn't take photos of all of them because it was sooo busy and there was no space to take a decent photo. However, there was a whole cosplay area where you could fight your way through the crowds and ask them to pose how you wanted :/ Mostly I just lerked around and took photos when I had a good oppotunity. Obviously, this being a gaming convention, there are only game characters...

                                                                                           2D Kingdom Hearts   
                                                                  3D Sora
                                                                                   Real Sora :D
                                                                            Chaos Vincent Valentine   

                                                                                FFX ladies

                                                    Mai from King of Fighters being surrounded by pro cams :O

                                                                                     Asuka handing out Evangelion fans.
                                                                                       Persona 3 Portable

                                                                         Resident Evil! CHRISS! LEON!

                                                                       Snow and Sarah
                                                                             Sarah and Vanille FF13

                                                                         FF7 Cloud and PERFECT Tifa

           My ultimate favourite cosplay of the day and one that I was so lucky to get a photo of. Jasmine and me saw them standing in a queue for one of the games and nearly wet ourselves. I think they must have seen the pleading in my eyes as they agreed to a photo. HOW PERFECT ARE THEY. Just as a referance..

That about wraps up my cosplay report. I hope you enjoyed these awesome costumes


So I'm alive and back in the UK.

For anyone who hadn't guessed I came home because of the horrific earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. I was in my Pre school when the earthquake hit Tokyo and it was honestly the scariest experience of my life...not just because my own life was in danger but because I was responsible for all of the children in my class. We evacuated the school without anyone being hurt and the school was undamaged. The monorail station directly outside the school shook violently and we could see the train car down the track swaying from side to side. All of the mothers told us that in all their life they had never expeienced something like this which made it all the more scary. At the time we had no idea of the destruction happening in the north of the country and we were stuck at school for the magority of the night due to all the trains in Tokyo being on shut down. The next day Nozomi and I took a trip to Hakuba to go to a party at a ski resort and when i arrived back in Tokyo I got a message from my folks to get on Skype. We had a discussion about how safe I was regarding the nucleur reactor in Fukashimi. Obviously back home the news had been contantly playing footage and reports of the horrific detruction and the general state of Japan so I can understand my family's concerns. I made the decision to leave Japan the next day.
My heart goes out to all those who have been effected by this horrific event and for all my friends still over there. From what I hear everything is pretty normal in Tokyo but please everyone TAKE CARE!

And thats basically it. I'm still dealing with the fact that my life there is over for the forseeable future but I am making plans to return and get a full working visa. This will take me several years of planning and working but the love that I feel for the country has given me the drive and inspiration to see the path I'm going to walk down. I won't ever forget the year I spent in Tokyo, the people I've become so close to and the fact that I was brave enough to do it in the first place.

Right now I am taking a few months out to live like a lazy bum and enjoy the summer with my UK friends. I have a really part time job in a deli in my hometown with one of my best friends Toni so I'm earning a little money to have fun with while my last months wages from the school is going to be used to get me on some early childcare courses so I can work at a preschool here.

As I am one of those people who need something to obsess about or I go nuts, I am starting a new blog mainly about clothes and my favourite styles and anything else that comes to mind. So if that interests you please come over to...

and lets have some new age fun with a vintage feel.... :P

Honest to blog

Well that took a while.
My laptop died a few weeks back and so I've been out of blogging action. Also I am in fact a lazy human being who can't even be bothered to type a few thoughts now and again!

I've found myself being very lazy in alot of aspects of my life recently. My Japanese studies have been neglected and I'm pretty shocked that even after a year my listening, reading and most of all speaking is rediculously bad. I admit it's better than it was when I first came here but still I would have liked to have seen myself doing a bit better by now. Hey
Ho though, some days I'm filled with the drive to learn and study hard but I had a period of being very dissinterested in language. Perhaps due to my job allowin
g me to speak only English I had no fear of communication. The only words I have to speak everyday is "Arigatou Gozaimasu" to the clerks at the 7Eleven.
Conclusion, I need the fear!

One of the highlights for December has been getting the FLU. I was knocked out for a week, and I do mean knocked out. Flopping around in bed like a fish, sweating and crying for my mum!
I visited the doctor 4 times and 4 times I was put on drips of vitamines and antibiotics

Seeing as I'd never in my life been on a drip before this was somewhat of a novelty but by the 4th time of being sat for 2 hours with a pin in my arm I was ready to get the fuck better.
It's funny, in England I would visit the doctor maybe once or twice a year if that but since I've been in Japan I have been to the doctor/hospital a total of 6 times! SIX! WHY IS THIS? Does riding the Chou line everyday mean really mean I am just begging for sickness? Should I really start wearing those masks to keep peoples nasty germs away? Or is it the fact I work with a classroom of toddlers who lick their snot off their hands and cough in my face? These are mysteries of the universe but nevermind, Tokyo made me sick. Not that getting the flu is uncommon but I haven't had it for a few years and so I'd fogotten how truely crap it is. I sware I get man flu...
The attitudes towards illness are slightly different here too. Like being put on a drip was, for me, a fairly extreme thing to go through. In England, you are told to drink fluids and rest for a few days while taking painkillers. There was a point in my illness where the doctor told me he was going to refere me to a hospital if I didn't improve by my next appoinment (The next day)...LIKE WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY? But I understand why now....
I'm not complaining, but (ohh but) the medicine here sucks. The Japanese drugs seem to be a good few years behind most other places, the painkillers you get are expensive and weak and are pretty much a waste  of everyones time. Cold medicines cost around Y1500, roughly GPB10 which is, quiet honestly TAKING THE PISS. But I haven't found the perscription to be any better. The doctor gave me Tamiflu, which was made notorious in England for making people worse when they had flu, and another tablet I got was just a B12 vitamin...but I trust these doctors medical knowledge is greater than my own so I took the pills and felt the same. The drips however did have an effect and after my second dose of the purple bag I found I could sit down, stand up and move my head without wishing I was dead. The drips may have seemed extreme at the time but I have I feeling they are the only thing that would do any good.

It was a quicky, however Christmas is fast approching and I'm interested to see how 2 Brits and a Sweedish girl (Namely me and my housemates) will fare this holiday season....having no oven to cook a roast dinner, no Christmas crackers and no SPROUTS. Drama is sure to happen, please watch out!



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